K. Tanaka


Lectures etc.

Univertisy of Tokyo

AY2022-AY2023 "First-Year Seminar for Natural Sciences Students(初年次ゼミナール理科)"
AY2019-AY2020 "Advanced Core in Analysis(解析数理要論(大学院))"
AY2018 "Theory of Numerical Computation(数値計算論(大学院))"
AY2017-AY2018 "Introduction to Mathematical Engineering: Mathematics of Optimization(数理工学入門:最適化の数理)"(総合科目F(数理・情報))
AY2017-AY2024 "Analysis for Mathematical Engineering(解析数理工学)"

Musashino Univertisy

AY2017 "Signal Processing (信号処理)" (as a part-time lecturer)
AY2016 "Applied Algebra (応用代数)"
AY2016 "Exercise of Math II (数学演習2)"
AY2015-AY2016 "Exercise of linear algebra II (線形代数2演習)"
AY2015-AY2016 "Basic self-development (基礎セルフディベロップメント)"
(Omnibus lecture of liberal arts based on active learning. I take charge of mathematics section.)

Future Univertisy Hakodate

AY2014 "Numerical analysis (数値解析)"
(Basic numerical methods for linear/nonlinear equations, integrals, ODEs, etc.)
AY2014 "Topics on complex systems science (複雑系科学トピックス)"
(Omnibus lecture. I talked about numerical analysis and its application in a class.)
AY2013 "Mathematics for system 1 (システム数学I)"
(Basics of complex analysis and Fourier analysis)
AY2012 "Special seminar on complex systems science B (複雑系科学特別セミナーB)"
(Seminar on basic multivariable calculus)
AY2011-AY2014 "Experiments on complex systems (複雑系科学実験)"
(Basic theories and methods for experimental science)
AY2011-AY2014 "Mathematics practice II (数学総合演習II)"
(Basic exercise of calculus)
AY2011-AY2014 "Mathematics practice I (数学総合演習I)"
(Basic exercise of calculus)

Univertisy of Tokyo

AY2005 "Exercise of mathematical engineering (数理工学演習)" (Teaching assistant)
AY2004 "Numerical analysis (数値解析)" (Teaching assistant)